What can Smith do for You?

Business Owner,

Have you been having a hard time finding an off-site technical consultant? Do you consistently use multiple clunky solutions where one streamlined solution you want but can’t implement would go? Are you tired of paying through the teeth for a bureaucratic operation to actually respond and deal with your tech questions and issues?

Here’s where I come in…I can source almost whatever you need technical for less, I can often implement solutions that will reduce your need for such solutions, and I can give you the luxury of a main contact, like an employee whom you don’t have to employ.

I don’t operate like many of the bloated “consulting” operations wherein a salesperson sells you on using their tech services and over-worked admin people deliver what they can. The main contact here is where the buck ends and begins.

Contact me and I can show you the wheels-within-wheels of how I can solve many of your technical issues for good.

-Eric Smith

I don’t want a client who doesn’t want me or that I can not bring a net-benefit to. For this reason, I choose to operate on minimal contract obligations which is entirely contrary to the bloated and highly despised “consulting” World.

Eric Smith